Contest: Welcome to Belora - extended deadline

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AnTheilo's avatar
First off; Thank you so, so much for 500 watchers! You have no idea how happy I am for this. And by reaching this number, thanks to you all, I'll finally be hosting the Belora-related contest for all artists who want to join.

UPDATED: ADDED CLASSES AND MAGIC, so that you can now be a demondwelling warlock or a nature-loving druid.

UPDATED: EXTENDED DEADLINE TO 10th of SEPTEMBER, just to give some people a bit more time.

The Contest:

This contest is a lot like my previous one; you will be designing yourself. You will be making yourself into an original character from the fantastic world of Belora – you'll be taking the form of a prideful elf, an honorable human, a faithful Vedthakki – with guidelines to help you along the way, ofcourse, and I'll be open for questions at all times if you need to know more.

This contest is a drawing-contest, and both traditional and digital art is accepted. Simply design and make the art, post it to dA, link it to me, and you're in!

Please go to the bottom of the journal to read about the races, and find the one you want to picture yourself as.


The Winning Prizes:

First place will get a fully detailed drawing of whatever or whoever they wish, with a background. Dragons, humanoids and wolves preferably – aswell as 200 points.

Demon of Vierthracia by AnTheilo

Second place will get a coloured sketch/coloured lineart, colour-background, aswell as 150 points.

Third place will get a lineart, no background, and 50 points.…

The Races:

Belorian Ladies by AnTheilo

(Now, take notice of this; If you don't have red hair, you can still be a Falorne. If you're short, you can still be a Vedthakki. If you always cut your nails short, you can still be an Azzare. Heck, you don't even have to be a cat real life to be an Achriande! Be what you want. Go for it.)

Falorne (elf)
Nekro (elf)
Eayve (elf)
Adale (elf)

Belorian Races Fashion, Culture and Looks

Take notice, Belora is a fantasy universe. Lolita, punks, metalheads and hoodies does not exist.


The Falorne elves are proud and highstanding in Belorian politics, which is reflected in their fashion. Residing in the red woods of Bloodpine, they inherit colours of dawn and blood in their rich fabrics of silk and satin. Being great producers of copper and gold, their garments are often decorated by glimmering mineral ornaments, especially among the highborne of Acear Quilonia.

Robes and capes are very popular among the Falorne, and layers upon layers of rich, dawncoloured fabrics. Robes are in most cases full lenght.

Their skin is usually pale to slightly tan, but they rarely have freckles. The most dominating haircolour is red, though different shades of brown and black is also common. Blonde never occours unless theres some other race involved. Their eyes are usually brown, gold, yellow, orange or red. Their ears are long and pointed. They're usually 1.75-2.00 tall.

They reside in the woods of Bloodpine; the red woods, where most leaves are a natural, deep red colour.

Nekro Minere:

Once members of other civilizations such as the Falorne, the dark elves of Kenjenar are now twisted versions of what they once were, and the fashion of Vierthracia seem to reflect this. Deep blue, black and deep purple are the main colours that pride their fabrics, though icy blues, grey, white and dark red are also among them.

The Nekro are great producers of silver, and as a sign of their differences from their former races, they tend to wear their silver ornaments and jewelry with great pride. A jewelry especially popular among highborne and The Firstborne, is the claw; rings that turn your fingers into vicious, vengeance-seeking talons.

Their hair can be red, bloodred, ashen blonde, white, silver, black, deep, deep blue or deep deep purple. Their skin can be everything from white, to gray with blue and purple tints, to almost black. Their eyes can be white, dark blue, red, and icy blue. They're often born with markings. Their ears are long and pointed. Usually 1.75-2.00 tall.

Their home in Kenjenar is a dark and unwelcoming place; the main citizens are undeads, demons and ofcourse, the nekro'minere. The woods are dark and misty, the mountains jagged and intimidating.


Bright greens and baby blues, the Eayve elves inherit their colourscheme from the forests of Sirna which they call home. Their clothes are light and simple, and far from as pompous as the Falorne; they're rarely to never seen wearing prideful capes. They enjoy adorning themselves with leaves and flowers of all colours and sizes, and patterns of their fabrics (if there is a pattern) always gets it's inspiration from the forest.

Their hair is most often blonde, though brown can occour; black will never be found. They're pale, often freckled, and their eyes are usually green, pale yellow or blue. Their ears are slightly short, but pointed. Usually around 1.50-1.65.

The land they call home is the land of Sirna; fields, forests and glades of outstanding nature. Old ruins, lakes and shimmering streams can be found all over.


Rough fabric, golden ornaments and brown furs are the main elements of the elves of Ymorjos when it comes to fashion. Their clothes tend to be a bit heavy and thick due to the slightly cold climate in the mountains. Like the Eayve, they inherit traits from the woods they live in, but to a slightly lesser extent. Seeing as some Adale are born with stag-like antlers, they have a tendency do pride them with jewelry and markings.

Their hair can be pretty much anything; blonde, brown, red, black. They're usually pale. Their eyes tend to be green, but also pale yellow, brown and blue. Usually at the size of an average human.

The Adale reside in the woods of Ymorjos; the forests surrounding the great mountain where the god Olamakyr planted the balancing tree. The woods are filled with mystical creatures, and the climate is northern.


The Enkhjas are used to the humid and damp climate of the Dreadmire, and they dress accordingly. They make their clothes out of animals; the leather for fabric, and instead if adorning themselves with gems, they prefer bones and skulls. What prides their fashion is their use of painting; they paint their skin with colours of blood and swamp, often imitations of bones, skulls and animals.

When they decorate themselves with minerals, they prefer gold over anything else – except for bone, ofcourse.

Their hair can be pretty much anything; blonde, brown, red, black. Their skin can wary quite a lot, though most aren't completely pale; tan, although maybe a bit sickly coloured, grays with fleshy tints, beige. Their eyes can be orange, yellow, green and brown. Their toes and fingers are claws, and they have slight tusks and barely pointed ears. Usually at the size of an average human.

They live in the dark, humid mires of the Dreadmire; endless marsh as long as the eye can see. They build their houses in thick trees and stalk the wet forests.


The Vedhtakki reside in Velamork, in the lands of Kalenti and Kalentos, and are the ancestors of the Enkhja; though it's blatantly obvious the Enkhja didn't inherit their sense of fashion. The Vedthakki of Kalenti, the desert, and the Vedthakki of Kalentos, the greens, doesn't dress too much unlike eachother; the main elements of their fashion are bright, light fabrics adorned with golden ornaments, jewelry and feathers.

The main difference is that Kalentos has a tendency to use more leather, and while the Kalenti prefer brighter, sandy colours, the Kalentos also enjoy green a lot. They are also very fond of piercings for their ears and tails.
Their clothes are elegant, yet their warriors and druids always show the savage, beastlike side of the Vedthakki.

They often grow past 2 meters. Their skin can be everything from tan to dark, and they're born with markings around their eyes and at the tip of their ears, which are long, slightly set to the side, and split at the end. They've got tusks petruding from their lower jaws, and they're born with tails, like a goat or a cow. They've got horns, but they're never curved like a ram or shaped like antlers. Their fingers and toes are claws, but far more vicious than the claws of Vedthakkies. Their haircolour can be pretty much anything. Their eyes are in most cases golden, orange or yellow, but can sometimes be found green or brown.

They live either in Kalenti or Kalentos; Kalenti, a desert with patches of greens, great temples and raging, red mountains. Kalentos is a green jungle, far less threatening than Zah'Tarja, but just as big.…


The Humans live in three proud, highstanding nations in the north of Skarenaar; Ire Ley, Ire cast, and Ire Gathr. The lands are ruled by three kings; King of Forthholme in Ley, King of Abermere in Gathr and The High King of Strathgarth. The Nations, having a thight bond, are also ruled by the same sense of fashion; heavy, rough fabrics in natural colourschemes.

They look like humans, and you probably know how humans tend to look. The only difference is a bigger colourscheme for their eyes; eyes can be much more intense than whats normal on earth.
The humans reside in Irewhyn; a lands of forests and fields.


The Achriande of Amrioria live in a land of different climates, and so the fashion has a tendency to wary, just like their furs. The striped, lynx-eared Achriandes with long fur that reside in the colder parts of Amrioria has a tendency to wear much rougher, less bright fabrics, but it is the fashion of the capital that is seen as the main one. Light, bright fabrics that dance in the slightest wind, elegant robes adorned with gold, and colourful jewels. The Achriande are powerful and they bask in their glory, showing off through their fashion.

Think; Cat, on two legs, but much, much taller, with long, pointed ears and more vicious teeth. Also, their women are flat-chested. They never grow real hair, only rough manes, like lions, If they don't, they're bald apart from their fur. They grow up to 2+ meters.

The climate of Amrioria waries; from the proud, cold mountains, to the green, everliving and warm forests. Field upon field decorated with blue waters.…


Primitive reptilians of Zah'Tarja, they absolutely adore skulls and bones just like the Enkhja – if not even more. Some tribes are known as vicious cannibals, and they dress the part, too; making helmets out of their dinners head, making chestplates out of their ribcage. Their choice of fabric is rough and nappy against their skin; that is, human skin, seeing as they've got scales and don't notice. They're not picky about dressing and you'll probably never find an Azzare dressed in clothes that aren't ragged and torn.

They adore gold, and paint themselves with the markings of their God; Azzloa, the great Serpent. Gold goes around their wrists and neck as often as it goes in signs around their eyes. Highborne Azzarians tend to paint the tips of their head-feather in gold.

Women are in most cases born without feathers; when they are, however, they're destined for greatness and often end up as leaders of tribes. Men are always born with feathers. Some are also born with completely black, unruly hair. They grow up to 2+ meters.

The Azzarians live in the humid and unwelcoming jungle of Zah'Tarja – Where beasts and snakes lurk in every ginormous tree, and the Venraja stalk every corner.…


Priests; Priests are people blessed by their belief; the dark cross or the white cross, while priests of gods are referred to as shamans. They dress in heavy, dark or light robes, covering most of their skin, adorned with either of the crosses. Priests are found among every race.

Mage sand elementalists; Most often found in robes in bright colours, representing their element or power. Most mages dress in blue, while elementalists dress in blues and reds. The main thing they have in common, though, is their use of gems and jewels that pride their clothing, empowering them further. Mages and elementalists can be found among every race.

Mesmers: Illusionist-mages. Women will often be found dressing up in colourful, revealing clothing, while men will more than often be found dressing as rich lords in rich fabrics. However, some mesmers are more shady, dressing more like rogues. They can be found in most races.

Druids, rogues, hunters: Most often found in handy, flexible leather, and druids often adorn themselves with antlers, feathers and leaves. Druids are more common along vedthakkies, enkhjas and eayves, rogues and hunters are found among most races.

Shamans and witch-doctors; The witch-doctors and shamans both do voodoo, the only difference being that shamans to it for a certain god they serve; the witch-doctors for themselves. Witch doctors are most often found among Enkhja and Azzare, and dress just like them; adorned with paintings, skulls and bones, ruined clothes in dark colours. Shamans are mainly found among Achriandes, Azzares, Enkhjas, Vedthakkies.

Necromancers and warlocks; Necromancers can dress in both mail and plate aswell as robes of cloth, and often end up somewhere inbetween. They always adorn themselves in dark colours, especially blue, and carvations and paintings of skulls, death, misery and tragedy are often found on their plate and cloth. Warlocks dress pretty much like necromancers, but they rarely to never dress in plate, and they prefer a bit brighet colours; Deep red adorned with intense, green gems or purple suits with orange jewels. There aren't many people willing to become one with death, but necromancers are most commonly found among humans and undead, while warlocks can be found lurking in every race, but the class is especially popular among nekro minere.

Warriors and paladins;

The heroes and knights of the battlefied; they dress themselves just like they should when you're facing an army of enemies. Plate and and mail, made for protection rather than being eyecandy. Paladins tend to be a bit more posh, however, seeing as they fight for a force of either good or bad; crosses can often be found carved into their armour. Warriors and paladins are found among every race.


Arcane magic, wielded by mages - sort of like an element of it's own, pure magic used for powerbolts, leviation, etc, but it's not related to any other magic like fire and water.

Elemental magic, wielded elementalists and shamans - fire and water for the elementalists, air and earth for shamans.

Voodoo magic - sick, sick stuff. Resurrections, hypnosis, venomous contracts, curses, mindbending, and stealing magic from demons. Wielded by some shamans of the Dreadmire, but mostly shamans wielding this are considered Witchdoctors.

Deathly magic - resurrection of the dead, wielded by Necromancers, who often use their deathly magic for making stitching together gruesome abominations.

Demonic magic - boom fireblast, explosions, curses, extreme, corrupted magics used for destruction. Wielded by demons and warlocks.

Natural magic - magic of the forest, talking with animals, controlling earthly elements such as roots, controlling animals (but being very very nice about it, haha) and basically bending the forest/asking the forest to help a brother out. And, ofcourse; turning into animals. Wielded by druids and some shamans.

Holy magic - magic of the dark cross (death, evil and darkness) or magic of the light cross (life, good and light). Wielded by paladins and priests of either cross- The Dark is a bit like necromancy, but also shadow-bending etc. The Light is basically used for turning undeads, cleansing, healing, hitting dark MOFOS in the face with maces of light.

Mesmerizing magic - sort of a subcategory of Arcane magic. Wielded by Mesmers and some rogues - hypnotizing, illusions, cloning

There you have it! Good luck, everybody, and please don't be afraid to read some of these things over, and, ofcourse, do ask me questions if there is anything you're curious about or need help with! I hope you'll have great fun exploring your Belorian self, haha. ; w ; Feel free to spread the word among your friends!


© 2012 - 2024 AnTheilo
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Ahzoo's avatar
finished my entry lol took me forever to get to a scanner here it be [link]